Uniek webinar met MGA experts uit Boston
Op 31 oktober gingen een aantal MGA experts uit Boston met elkaar en de deelnemers in gesprek over hun ervaringen met het opleiden (IPMS programma) van professionals in het MGA gedachtengoed in de afgelopen 20 jaar (spreektaal Engels):
Teaching the International Program on
the Management of Sustainability IPMS
In this webinar prof. Lawrence Susskind (MIT and Harvard), prof. William Moomaw (Tufts University), dr. David Fairman (CBI), Ida Koppen (certified mediator, Geneva, Switzerland), Mieke van der Wansem (Tufts University) will share with us their experiences in teaching for more than 20 years the International Program on Sustainability in The Netherlands.
Possible things to discuss included:
- What they taught about sustainable development and MGA, particularly for a very international crowd (approximately 1000 participants through the years)
- Any obstacles they found along the way & what they did about them
- Key elements you must think about when you want to teach sustainability management
- The current status of sustainable development, especially considering climate change, biodiversity loss, justice, etc. – what have they learned
Former participants in IPMS will be thrilled to see their faculty again and other webinar participants can enjoy a glimpse of what they may have wanted to learn.
Many people all over the world, who until recently participated in various Regional Programs on the Management of Sustainability (RPMS), may want to make the connection to the original faculty.
More information about our members/speakers can be found on the mutualgainsnetwerk.nl under professionals.