Fleur Ravensbergen: Personal leadership in your work as a mediator

In her webinar on March 21 Fleur Ravensbergen addressed the role of personal leadership in your work as a mediator. Negotiating with terrorists, she must be able to listen to and even sympathize with people who have done horrible things. Separating the people from the problem here seems an almost impossible, and personal challenge. Personal leadership is essential. What can we learn from these experiences for our own negotiations? How to negotiate with people that you dislike or even hate? How to deal with our own emotions? How to empathize without being naive?

©Fleur Ravensbergen. Do not use without permission.

Fleur Ravensbergen is the co-founder and deputy director of Amsterdam based NGO the Dialogue Advisory Group (DAG). She facilitates dialogue in armed conflict around the world since 2008. In the Netherlands, her mediation efforts focus on leadership and community conflict, with an emphasis on NGOs. Tangible results and clarity. In addition, she teaches conflict resolution at the University of Amsterdam. She also writes, speaks publicly, and provides trainings and workshops on different aspects of her experience. It is her mission to empower people and contribute positively through dialogue.


The speaker introduced and explained the topic using personal insights. Next, two reviewers (Mieke van der Wansem and Stefan Szepesi) gave a short reaction, including comments and questions posted by webinar participants in the chat.

You can watch the webinar below. Because of the sensitive nature of her work, some parts of the webinar have been left out.

This is one of a series of webinars. Watch all past webinars here.